As most of you probably know I am expecting my second baby any day now. While I'm taking a break and adjusting to life with a 2 year old and a newborn I thought it would be nice to hear from you.
If you have a tutorial or a project you'd like to share with others please e-mail me justenoughstlye@gmail.com
Anything would be great. From toddler games, quiet books, clothes, jewelry, recipes, or tips for life with two kids. :) If you are interested please send me the html of your post and a quick description of yourself and your blog. I'll make sure that I feature your project and send others to your blog. Just make sure you send it to me by Saturday.
Thanks so much! I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hey-couldn't find your email address :) If you would like to use any of my tutorials that's fine! Just let me know which one and I can email you the HTML. Good luck with the new baby!!